This type of stores maybe all over the place already, but I have no idea until my cousin pointed it out to me. A store rents a one foot cubical space to individuates to display and sell their stuff. The store provides the location, visibility and management for the merchandise owners. It is like a miniature shopping mall.
BMI is a number as a measurement of someone's body fat. There is a scale of what each number represents, whether you are under-weight, normal or over-weight. It is calculated from a person’s weight and height. There are many websites that can
do the calculation for you so you don't have to know the formula. My present BMI is 25 on the scale. That means I am over weight (right on the lower edge). To get myself into "normal", I have to loose 5 lbs or grow 1 inch. I am sure I have no chance to grow 1 inch so the alternative is to loose 5 lbs.
But I think I have hit the plateau on weight lost. I am staying at the same level for the past 2 weeks. I am thinking again, I will have to either workout harder, burn more calories or eat less. I said it before, it is hard to eat less in Taipei. There are so many wonderful tasty food here, might as well just shoot me. So the only thing left for me to do is to work harder. I think I am doing pretty well dragging this old bone to the gym everyday. I will be glad that I did not get hurt on the treadmill machine. Increase my workout intensity seems so out of the question. I guess I will just have to try it.
Scene from Dan Shuei river front
This store has been around for as long as I can remember. We used to come here to buy wooden bath tub from them all the time. You don't see another stores like this now. Even in the old days, they were almost the only game in town. I did not know until today that it was established in 1928 at the same location. The two story building still remains the same, sandwiched between the highrise. That rusty sign must be the original. Remains of the very few traces of old Taipei.
Just few miles down the same street is the house I lived when I was around 6 years old. This is the only house I lived that is still exist.
The one on the right. We lived upstairs. Can't remember what business was at the downstairs. Somehow I remember it was a dentist's office.